Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Alive and Thrive Wellbeing Limited (ATW) is a Data Controller and is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office, reference number ZA320516. It complies with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016
ATW’s vision is to improve wellbeing and resilience in the workplace, membership organisations, and for other individuals and groups that have expressed a wish to improve their wellbeing and resilience through participation in our services. We achieve this in several ways that may include the completion and interpretation of wellbeing surveys, personal coaching, training and workshops, and the provision of laughter sessions, that may be delivered face-to-face or virtually online.
ATW only collects and processes personal data when it is necessary and proportionate, and where there is a lawful basis to do so. This may include information on clients and employees, complainants and enquirers, suppliers, advisers, and other professional experts. Personal data may include:
a) Names
b) Addresses
c) Contact details
d) Dates of birth
e) Email addresses
f) Information related to a person’s health and wellbeing as part of coaching, including details of medical practitioners
g) Electronic information from those that visit the organisation’s websites, such as domain name
The lawful basis upon which ATW relies upon to collect and process personal data are any one of the following:
(1) To fulfil its contractual obligations to an organisation or person
(2) Where express or implied consent exists
(3) Where there is a legal obligation
(4) Where a vital interest applies, such as the protection of life
(5) Where there is a legitimate interest
Personal data is collected so that ATW can undertake its operations in pursuit of its vision. This includes its intimate and confidential work with client organisations, their employees and members, individuals, and to protect the physical and psychological wellbeing of those participating.
The personal data collected enables ATW to provide informed advice to clients and enables the exclusion of those who, for medical reasons or other circumstance, may best not be involved in ATW activities, such as in some circumstances those suffering from an acute medical or emotional disposition, or who may be or have been on anti-depressants or similar medication. There are more appropriately qualified people and organisations that can support these people.
Personal data is also collected so that ATW can promote its work and undertake analysis of those engaging with it and for research.
We sometimes need to share personal data in compliance with the data protection legislation. This may be with the individual themselves, with other vetted organisations or associates who act as legitimate data processors within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation who partner ATW in its work, where the law requires us to share information, or for the protection of life. We always seek appropriate consent, where this is possible.
Personal data may be collected by hard or electronic means. Hard information is stored securely, locked away. Electronic information is stored on password protected devices, either held by the Data Controller or formally agreed and contracted Data Processors.
Personal data held by ATW is regularly reviewed and confidentially and permanently disposed of when it is no longer required for the purposes detailed in this policy.
If you have any queries about this policy please send a message to ATW via the Contact page on the ATW website.
Alive and Thrive Wellbeing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Alive and Thrive Wellbeing Limited - All Rights Reserved.