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'Wellbeing First Responders' are volunteers located on each team to help promote good mental health awareness and wellbeing across the organisation. They are fully trained using the responsive learning management system online, at their pace, plus live online sessions. Here they learn and practice the best brain-based approaches to become wellbeing advocates that role-model and support the wellbeing across their team.
Every person in the organisation is invited to complete a Care and Resilience Index (CARI), a neuroscience-underpinned online questionnaire that confidentially and accurately provides a personal wellbeing profile. Maintaining confidentiality, this collective data is made available to the organisation to help monitor the state of corporate mental health.
Once a person has completed their CARI there is a whole range of tailored neuroscience -based support that they can privately access whenever they want, to train their brain in positive wellbeing behaviour.
Alive and Thrive Wellbeing Limited
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